Organisational Culture - Module 1

Module one of the course aims to help senior business leaders understand their company's culture by delving into the following key points:

  • The importance of organisational culture and its impact on success
  • Tools and strategies for analysing and aligning culture with objectives, beliefs, and values
  • Encouraging new leaders to comprehend existing culture for trust building, conflict avoidance, effective decision-making, and leading change

The lessons in this module also focus on equipping leaders with the necessary knowledge to assess, understand, and potentially alter organizational culture for enhanced performance. It emphasises the establishment of a strong relationship network that involves connecting with various individuals, such as peers, direct reports, key stakeholders, and external contacts, to improve collaboration and leadership effectiveness. Key points highlighted in this section include:

  • Building and maintaining strong relationships to achieve success, overcome challenges, and seize opportunities
  • Strategic networking through offering value, proactive networking, and continuous follow-up
  • Awareness of potential onboarding challenges to address such as unclear expectations, lack of essential skills, and resistant work environments

Moreover, the module stresses the importance of leaders focusing on accurately diagnosing problems, reframing challenges, and seeking quick wins to establish credibility and momentum in their new role. It also underlines the significance of celebrating small victories, nurturing relationships, effective communication, and continuous learning as crucial elements for impactful leadership development.

What's inside module one...

  • Getting to know your company, culture, and team.
  • What is organisational culture and why is it important? 
  • Your relationship network - connect and collaborate
  • The 7 onboarding landmines.
  • Securing Early Wins.
  • Set goals for the coming months.
  • What’s my strategic coaching questions for this month (killer questions)

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