Questioning and Consulting Skills

Business Analysis & Questions

Why do you ask questions?

  • Understanding and establishing things in common creates and develops rapport
  • Creates a 2 way conversation where all parties question and listen with respect and enjoyment
  • Appropriate questions enable you to focus your service delivery efforts in a way that provide the desired outcomes
  • Analysis of data, facts and figures allows you to provide a better service and delightful customer experience
  • You will be able to manage customer relationships more effectively and create time to be more strategic and allow recovery time!
  • Successfully closing opportunities and a higher % of them helps all involved achieved their goals and objectives, including YOU!

There are different types of questions you can ask that will generate different types of response. Can you think of some?

Open Questions

What are they? Why do we use them?

  1. Less likely to have a one word answer
  2. Allows the other person to talk and more freely
  3. Good conversation starters
  4. You will often find out lots of information on multiple topics
  5. The other person will feel like you are patient and respectful while you listen
  6. Some people love to talk when given the chance
  7. Better engagement and rapport

Examples are:


Which ones do you think are best for opening up most people?



Can you think of some questions that are appropriate to your line of work?

  • What is your current work situation?
  • What is making you think about leaving your current job?
  • How would your boss describe you?
  • What would your team say about you?
  • How do you describe your / your company values and culture?
  • How satisfied are your customers with your products / services?
  • How successful was last year for you?
  • Over the last 3 years, what are your top 3 biggest achievements?
  • What projects are a priority for you?
  • What do think are the biggest opportunities for your company over the next 6 - 12 months?
  • What are the risks or issues you face?
  • How many jobs do you have open at the moment?
  • What is your future demand looking like?
  • What does an ideal job opportunity look and sound like to you?
  • What is the vision for your career?
  • What does an ideal candidate look like?
  • What are the top 3 or 4 most important things you look when deciding who to interview?
  • How is the shortage of high quality talent impacting you / your company / your customers?
  • Who are the best people to talk do about that decision?
  • Who are the most important stakeholders?
  • What else might be useful for me to know at this stage?
  • How does that sound?

Closed Questions

What are they? Why do we use them?

  1. They influence an answer which is either YES / NO / MAYBE
  2. If you have not fully understood a contact, they will through up objections or questions, which is better than not knowing
  3. They help you clarify, confirm or gain agreement and full commitment
  4. Don't ask too many early in a conversation however they are good for checking you are talking to the correct person and what the contacts experience is so far of your product or service plus are easy to answer
  5. A lot of people don't like saying no and find it negative
  6. They can be useful for stopping waffle and getting a conversation back on track

Will you... Do you... May I... Are you... Have I... Is that...

Can you think of some questions to ask?

Be careful not to use a closed question that could be more effective as an open question...

  1. Is that John Doe?
  2. Are you the Executive Assistant?
  3. Do you have a hiring strategy?
  4. Do you have a budget for that?
  5. Have you ever used Consultants / Contractors?
  6. Is that acceptable, for you?
  7. Does that sound reasonable, to you?
  8. Have we covered everything?
  9. May I send you a retainer invoice / engagement fee invoice?

Question 9 could be more appropriately asked with a sign post and as an open question. Eg

I only work with a small number of clients and never take on business that I can not or have not delivered on before, which enables the highest quality customer experience. Our clients share some risk and help us cover the project initiation costs so how do you feel about a small deposit invoice to get things moving? The balance will only be invoiced when you are happy and will be 2/3rds of the total amount.

Untrained Consultants have often been influenced in the asking yes or no questions in everyday life. Here are some examples of closed questions rephrased in to open questions. What do you think?

Closed Questions Converted to Open Questions

  • Do you have any jobs?
  • What type of job openings are you currently looking to fill?

  • Is candidate knowledge the most important thing?
  • What are the most important qualities for an ideal candidate to possess?

  • Do you know anyone else who might need me?
  • Who else in your company or professional network might benefit from these services / candidates / consultants?

Have other types of questions been coming to mind?

Historical Questions

  • Past tense questions trigger honesty if asked in an appropriate tone and timely
  • A look in to the past, is a window to the future
  • It helps you establish baseline knowledge, experiences, and preferences
  • Most people find it easier to remember what happened in the past, whether it was positive or negative, and over a wider time frame
  • Some people can't recall what they did last night however most people can remember what method they used to fill jobs over the last 6-12 months, for example
  • A lot of people who can't not immediately remember, feel awkward or embarrassed so give them space to think, and then maybe prompt obvious options
  1. Over the 6 months, where did you source most of your new hires from?
  2. What progress have you made over the last month since we last talked about these jobs?
  3. Have your current priorities changed much compared to 12 months ago?

Hypothetical Questions

  • In theory... this helps you find out about potential risks and issues so you can avoid problems
  • Learn about your contacts approach to these situations
  1. If you didn't fill this job opening, what would happen?
  2. If the project deadline slipped, what impact would this have?
  3. When you resign, if you were give a counter offer, an incentive to stay, how would you react?

Alternative Questions

  • Support decision making, ruling out and ruling in options and making agreements
  1. Would you prefer me to call you at 11am or 3pm on Tuesday or Wednesday?
  2. As your first stage, do you prefer telephone or face to face interviews?
  3. Would you prefer to save money and risk not hiring the most talented candidate or spend a little more to save time and maximise your growth?


  • Information before asking a question or giving an answer
  • Helps avoid or reduce conflict
  • Sets the scene and keeps rapport
  1. With over 95% of clients I have met in person or on video, I have helped them hire successfully first time around so bearing this in mind, what time and date is good to meet? Next week or this week? Morning or afternoon?
  2. The best candidates expect the best service and they know that includes branded media or a confidential search consultant, and certainly a face to face briefing with the hiring management team. When is best to meet up?
  3. I don't just want to help you find someone suitable for a job offer.... my intentions are for them to join, add value, grow and thrive with your team and drive your journey forward, year on year so tell me more about your vision, culture, values and biggest intentions for this and next year...

In this session about questioning skills we have have talked about covered these types of questions:

  • Open
  • Closed
  • Historical
  • Hypothetical
  • Alternative
  • Signposting before questions

Can you think of and write down 5 questions you are going to keep or start using tomorrow?

  1. _______________________________
  2. _______________________________
  3. _______________________________
  4. _______________________________
  5. _______________________________

Attached are 2 handouts for you to review:

  1. A list of various questions to ask
  2. Tips on Do's and Don'ts!

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