5 of the 11 essential subject matter expertise interview questions with a scoring system to ensure a fair, consistent and successful selection of the best fitting A-Player for your senior team.
To be a culture fit, you must accurately match an individual to a team in a company, with evidence: - experience - knowledge - technical abilities - achievements - behaviours
11 essential subject matter expertise interview questions with a scoring system to ensure a fair, consistent and successful selection of the best fitting A-Player for your senior team.
You need to determine the mix between strategic leadership; people management; hands on nuts and bolts.
Candidates need to understand your type of business, the industry vertical, the end customer journey, your products or services. You need to evidence working for a growing company, describing dimensions, $/%s from the baseline on joining to the end of Year 2, 3 and 4+ results.
What lessons did they learn, problems did they solve and opportunities did they realise? What would they not do again?
The costs of a bad hire can be 10x their compensation in waste or lost opportunities for your team which can be distressing for all individuals involved.
Jonathan Pearson - CEO/Founder, BluZinc and Stephanie Corking - Director of People & Culture, BluZinc invite you to attend their masterclasses on creating and developing sustainable teams for long term, profitable growth in UK, USA & Globally.